Disability Rights

& Accessibility

Prioritizing accessibility and disability rights

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  • Co-Sponsor, H.R. 555: Disability Integration Act of 2019. Bans discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Introduced by Fmr. Rep. James Sensenbrenner Jr. 


  • Co-Sponsor, H.R. 647: Achieving a Better Life Experience Act of 2014. Establishes a tax benefit for those living with disabilities and their families. Introduced by Fmr. Rep. Ander Crenshaw. 

Carolyn has always stood alongside the disability community and has fought to ensure that their rights are protected in NY-12 and around the nation. She has co-sponsored legislation to benefit communities around the country and pressured MTA leadership to make the subway system more accessible. 


  • Bringing home funding to make the MTA fully ADA-compliant, applauding subway leaders for increasing access to the Sixth Avenue Station during L-Train repairs, and pushing the MTA to continue and make transportation ADA accessible.


  • Voting to strengthen the Affordable Care Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act as well as co-sponsoring the Medicare for All Act of 2019 in order to ensure that every American has access to comprehensive healthcare. 


  • Sponsor, H.R. 4129: Medicare Demonstration of Coverage for Low Vision Devices. Expand medicare coverage for those who require special devices for low vision disabilities.